That Damned Fence

Item # 158315.

That Damned Fence: The Literature of the Japanese American Prison Camps

By Heather Hathaway.

That Damned Fence, titled after a poem written by a Japanese  American held at the Minidoka camp in Idaho, draws on the creative work  of the internees themselves to cast new light on this historical  injustice. While in captivity, detainees produced moving poetry and  fiction, compelling investigative journalism, and lasting work of arts  to make sense of their hardships and to leave a record of their  emotional and psychological suffering. It explores the experiences of inmates in five camps--Topaz in Utah;  Granada/Amache in Colorado; Rohwer and Jerome in Arkansas; and Tule Lake  in northern California--each with their own literary magazines, such as  TREK, All Aboard, Pulse, The Pen, Magnet, and The Tulean Dispatch

Hardbound: 256 pp.

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