Sounding Our Way Home

Item # 157643.

Sounding Our Way Home: Japanese American Musicking and the Politics of Identity

 By Susan Miyo Asai.

Sounding Our Way Home: Japanese American Musicking and the Politics of Identity narrates  the efforts of three generations of Japanese Americans to reach “home”  through musicking. Using ethnomusicology as a lens, the author  examines the musical choices of a population that, historically, is  considered outside the racial and ethnic boundaries of American  citizenship. Emphasizing the notion of national identity and belonging,  the volume provokes a discussion about the challenges of nation-building  in a democratic society and  contributes to the ongoing struggle for acceptance and equal  representation for people of color in the US. The book unveils the social  and political discrimination that nonwhite immigrants and their offspring continue to face when it comes to finding acceptance in US  society and culture. 

Paper: 348 pp. 

Collections: Books & Media

Type: book

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