Wolfhound Samurai (Hardbound)

Item # 151152.

By Vincent H. Okamoto.

Wolfhound Samurai is the fictional story of one Japanese American soldier's experience during his tour of duty in Vietnam. Christopher Nagata, the main character, is raised American with American ideals and learns the harsh reality of serving in the American military while looking like the enemy. The journey in earning the respect of his men, cradling his humanity and later being heralded a hero comes at an unimaginable cost. Wolfhound Samurai entrenches your nerves and connects you with the very soul of its characters all while hoping for the best, knowing the historical outcome and crying for the pain of all veterans.

Author Okamoto, a decorated Vietnam veteran who was born in a World War II internment camp in Arizona, currently serves as a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge. He has been described as "the highest decorated Japanese American to survive the war" and was featured in "Looking Like the Enemy," a documentary about the military service of Asian Americans in Korea and Vietnam.

Hardbound: 450 pp.

Collections: Books & Media, Jewelry

Type: book

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