Under the Blood Red Sun (DVD)

Item # 040019.

From the book by Graham Salisbury. Directed by Tim Savage. Produced by Dana Satler Hankins.

This is the story of Tomi, a young Japanese American boy, and his family living in Hawaii when the attack on Pearl Harbor takes place. The story centers on the racist persecution of Tomi's family by others, the government's suspicion of the Japanese, and the family's efforts to downplay their Japanese heritage. Tomi is joined by his white friend, Billy, when his father and grandfather are captured and brought to a prison camp. Tomi is torn between being an American and recognizing his Japanese ancestry, a conflict which engulfs the entire family.

Based on actual events, Under the Blood-Red Sun is an unforgettable story of friendship, courage & survival. Cast includes actors Kyler Ki Sakamoto, Kalama Epstein, Dann Seki, Autumn Ogawa, Wil Kahele, and Chris Tashima.

Running time: 98 min.

FOR HOME USE ONLY. For institutional use, please contact: underthebloodredsunmovie@gmail.com

Collections: Books & Media, DVDs, Jewelry

Type: video-audio

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