Twice Heroes: America's Nisei Veterans of WWII and Korea

Item # 151369.

Written and photographed by Tom Graves.

This beautiful book combines photographs of the veterans with their experiences in the U.S. military, and a recalls a different time in America when Japanese Americans were not regarded as full citizens. Nisei veterans say they fought for their families, and to prove their loyalty to their country, the United States of America. Young Nisei soldiers fought to keep it "the land of the free, and the home of the brave." Mistrusted at first, the Nisei record of loyalty and achievement earned them our nation's highest honor, the Congressional Gold Medal, presented November 2, 2011, in the United States Capitol. They are all Twice Heroes.

Portraits of 98 veterans, include Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Secretary Norman Y. Mineta, Governor George Ariyoshi, Medal of Honor recipients and the ordinary soldiers who fought for America. Veterans revealed their stories to the author in personal interviews that author Graves believes, “breaks the ice in conversation about racism in American and young men’s willingness to fight for their country to prove their loyalty."" Hardbound: 182 pp.

Collections: Books & Media, Gifts for Him, Jewelry

Type: book

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