Speak Out for Justice - Selected Testimonies (DVD)

Item # 040196.

In 1981, the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC) heard the testimonies of Japanese Americans across the country who spoke out for the first time about their incarceration during World War II. Recognizing the historic nature of these hearings, Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress (NCRR, then known as the National Coalition for Redress/ Reparations) and Visual Communications (VC) collaborated to videotape the Los Angeles hearings.

This DVD contains highlights of the testimonies, including those of June Kizu, Charles Hamasaki, Martha Okamoto, Mary Oda, Y. Fred Fujikawa, Mary Fusako Odagiri, Akira Horiuchi, Amy Iwasaki Mass, Jim Kawaminami, Tetsu Saito, Michiko Machida, Ewan Yoshida, Ruby Okubo, Esther Takei Nishio, Jim Matsuoka, Hector Watanabe, Yuji Ichioka, Rev. Herbert Nicholson, Gilbert Sanchez, Robert Farrell, and Fred Okrand.

Running time: 3 hours.

FOR HOME USE ONLY. For institutional purchases contact Visual Communications at 213-680-4462 or email (jason@vcmedia.org).

Collections: DVDs, Jewelry

Type: Consignment

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