One Fighting Irishman (DVD)

Item # 046525.

ONE FIGHTING IRISHMAN--Wayne M. Collins and the Tule Lake Segregation Center

Directed, written and produced by Sharon Yamato. Co-directed and edited by Evan Kodani.  Music by Dave Iwataki.  

Narrated  by George Takei, ONE FIGHTING IRISHMAN tells the little-known story of  San Francisco attorney Wayne M. Collins whose uncompromising defense of  the Constitution drove him to spend 23 years representing Japanese  Americans who renounced their American citizenship while imprisoned at  the embattled Tule Lake Segregation Center, considered the worst of  America’s ten WWII concentration camps. Collins helped recover citizenship for more than five thousand of those wrongly considered  loyal to Japan by claiming governmental duress was the cause. 

Running time: 30 min. 

Collections: Books & Media, DVDs, Jewelry

Type: video-audio

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