Common Ground: JANM and the Culture of Collaborations

Item # 157793.

Edited by Akemi Kikumura-Yano, Lane Ryo Hirabayashi, and James Hirabayashi.

The Japanese American National Museum is a unique institution that operates in collaboration with other institutions, museums, researchers, audiences, and funders. In this collection of seventeen essays, anthropologists,  art historians, museum curators, writers, designers, and historians  provide case studies exploring collaboration with community-oriented  partners in order to document, interpret, and present their histories  and experiences and provide a new understanding of what museums can and  should be in the United States. Current scholarship in museum studies is generally limited to interpretations by scholars and curators. Common Ground  brings descriptive data to the intellectual canon and illustrates how  museum institutions must be transformed and recreated to suit the needs  of the twenty-first century. 

Paper: 240 pp.

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