Jive Bomber: A Sentimental Journey

Item # 151239.

By Bruce T. Kaji with Sharon Yamato.

Whether as a member of the popular Jive Bomber band at Manzanar, a leader in the redevelopment of Little Tokyo, or as the Founding President of the Japanese American National Museum, Bruce T. Kaji has stood at the forefront of the LA's Nikkei community.

Jive Bomber: A Sentimental Journey traces his life as a Nisei coming of age during a turbulent time. Filled with stories of struggle and hope, Kaji writes about growing up in Boyle Heights, being incarcerated at Manzanar, joining the Army and later the Military Intelligence Service, and finally returning to Los Angeles to a highly successful career in business as President of Merit Savings & Loan.

In his own straightforward way, he writes with an insider's view of Little Tokyo that spans decades of service to his community.

Paper: 159 pp

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