Print Heart Mountain Sutra Stones (8x10)

Item # 220493.

Image of the Sutra stones from Heart Mountain that are in JANM's collection. In the late 1940’s, near the site of the Heart Mountain concentration camp cemetery, a bulldozer uncovered a 55-gallon barrel full of stones;   each painted with a Japanese character (kanji). It is believed that   these stones appear to form a Buddhist sutra or prayer.  Around 1600,  it  was a practice of devout Buddhists to copy sutras a character at a  time  on stones. When the sutra was completed it would be buried as a  form of  preservation of the text. The mystery of the Heart Mountain  stones lies  in the identity of their creator. Two Buddhist priests who  were  incarcerated at the camp vie for the position of creator, but  there is  no definitive proof as to their originator. 

This is an archival digital print created using 100% acid-free cotton fine art paper and the highest quality pigmented, non-toxic, environmentally friendly ink available with a color permanence rating of at least 200 years. Print size 8" x 10". Comes sleeved with foam core backing board.

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